I'm going to try to keep this brief because I'm waking up SUPER early tomorrow morning to go to Pisa! Long story short, we went to get train tickets for 9 am tomorrow morning and ended up with bus tickets for 7am. Oh Italia. Allora.
Me and the Duomo, | |
Anyways, today we had school, or course, but after lunch instead of learning grammar we got to go to a museum! One of the many in Siena, this is called Santa Maria Della Scala. It was actually a functioning hospital until fairly recently (one of the program directors was born in it), but the art is incredible. It has frescos, grand cathederal-esque rooms (i'm not sure what the actual correct term would be, but essential church rooms), and if you go way downstairs you get to an archeological site-turned-museum. My favortite was definately the frescoes though, most of which I believe are parts of the story of the hospital.
The Fresco! |
The one I liked the best was called "Il pontefice Celestino III concede privilegi di autonomia all'ospedale," which translates to Celestino III gives the hospital autonomic privileges.
I don't really know the history beyond the title, and don't have the energy to look into to it now, but hopefully I will soon.
Simon and Rachel being awesome tourists in front of the museum |
After that the rest of the day was basically what's becoming routine; coffee with friends, home for dinner, out on the town after. Again, I have to get up early so I'm not going to go into detail, but I had a fun time!
Our after school feast |
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