So as it happens, I have bit of free time at the moment in which I can update for you guys. This is because it is 4am in Prague. We took a night train from Budapest and arrived now. Inconvenient. We made it to the hostel but of course we don't have a room booked till rhis next night, so we're banished to the common room, where there are some other random people speaking spanish. So the plan is to wait a bit, get cleaned up, and, at a reasonable hour, go drink lots of coffee and explore for a couple hours until we can come back and nap. But in the meantime, I shall tell you about Budapest.
Budapest! |
Krissy and I had sort of a long time in Budapest because towards the end we met up with Alexa, and so we stayed a day longer than we otherwise would have planned to so that she could see Budapest too.
Langos |

The first afternoon that Krissy and I arrived we just relaxed, found a pretty park and took in the city views and the pretty bridges and river and made our plans for the next day. The next day we woke up and our first stop was the really big synagogue, which is supposedly the second largest in all of Europe. That was cool and really pretty on the inside, and it was nice to get a break from all the churches. Next we headed to the central market, where we ate some hungarian food, this thing called langos, which is fried dough with stuff on it, we had it with cheese and bacon and tomatoes. After that (and out siesta, which is becoming a habit with us) we went to the House of Terror. No, it's not a haunted house, it's a museum about the dark days of Hungarian history during WWII, and it's in the building that the Arrowcross (the Nazi organization) and later the communist rule was run from, and it had a prison basement with torture chambers and everything. Very sad and haunting, but interesting. When learning about WWII my classes had only really mentioned Hungary in passing, but really a lot went on there. We spent at least 2 hours in there, maybe more.

Later that night we climbed up to one on the monuments overlooking the river and relaxed and enjoyed the lights of city on the water.

Friday we woke up and headed to a the thermal baths, which was relaxing. I never thought I'd end up at a public Hungarian bath house. Later in the day we met up with Alexa and had dinner (goulash this time) before going out to a couple different bars one of the guys working at the hostel recommended (and later he came out with us for a bit too).
This morning we got up and wandered around Buda castle for a bit, which had cool views, and then got on the train and ended up here in Prague. I hope no one throws me out of a window while I'm here.
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